Accounts payable payment Processing

Check Printing

Last Revised: 02/21/14

The Check Printing program uses information you have entered in Payment Selection and Payment Selection Maintenance to process and print vendor checks.  

If Dynamo Check Printing is being used for the first time:

Before checks are printed each time:

To order checks, follow the Guidelines for Order Dynamo Accounts Payable Checks.



1.   Print checks for a specific batch

2.   Re-print check from updated batch that was lost or damaged

Printing Checks for a Specific Batch

This allows you to print a SINGLE check from a batch or ALL checks in a specific batch.  All open payment batches will display. Select a payment batch for check printing.

After the entries above are completed, your options are to:

  1. Print all checks in this payment batch
  2. Print one check in this payment batch

The following additional options may also display if some of the checks in the batch have already been printed:

Each vendor name will quickly display at the bottom of the screen as check printing instructions are being sent to the printer.

At the completion of check printing, you will be given the opportunity to reprint any checks that may have been damaged during the printing process.   Your options are to:

  1. Reprint all checks (displays if batch contains multiple checks)
  2. Reprint one check
  3. Reprint from operator-selected check to the end of the batch
  4. Print all Remittance Advice Attachments (displays if applicable)

If a batch of checks contains any single-character vendors such as M for Miscellaneous, the Payee names will also display.

Reprinting a Check from an Updated Batch That Was Lost or Damaged

This option allows you to re-print a check that was already issued. Upon entering the vendor, checks issued to that vendor will display. Once a check is selected, the original check number and check amount will display in the respective fields.

How to Print a Single Check

There are several ways to Print a Single Check:

1. Manual Payment Entry on the APP menu is the easiest way to print a quick, computer-generated check or to record entries for a check that was handwritten.   A single check can be issued immediately for an invoice that was already entered in the system or a new invoice.   For further details, refer to Manual Payment Entry documentation. Manual Payment Entry is the most direct way to print a single check.  

2. If the invoice has already been entered in the system but has not been selected for a payment batch, it will be listed on the Invoice Register but not the Payment Selection Register. In this case, go to Payment Selection (APP menu). Start a new payment batch and enter the selected vendor. Proceed with Check Printing.

3. If the invoice has been entered in a batch and has been selected for payment, it will be listed on the Payment Selection Register.   Go to Check Printing, select the payment batch containing that invoice, and choose the option to PRINT ONE CHECK.

Check Stubs

The check form required no pre-printing on the stub because both the headings and corresponding information will be printed by the computer:

The following will also display on the check stub if applicable:

The check stub format that will print on your check form may vary from check to check, depending on the information that is applicable to that check.   The system will automatically "customize" the check stub format to include any of the three variables listed above (Note, Invoice Amount, Discount).

Invoices print on the check stub and remittance advice attachment in invoice number sequence.

Check Stub Type

Typically a vendor is issued one check for multiple invoices.   A normal check stub can list up to 39 invoices.

Note: a stub may not be able to accommodate 39 if variable information such as Note, Discount, and Invoice Amount is applicable. 

Checks with more than 39 invoices will print an extended stub in one of two ways:

To establish your preference for accommodating a large number of invoices for a check, go to A/P Parameter Maintenance on the APU menu (Check Formatting - Remittance Advice Attachment):  

Enter Y (yes) to have a full-page remittance advice attachment print.   After the checks print, you will be prompted to insert plain sheets of paper in the printer on which the attachment will print. Remittance advice attachments requiring multiple pages will print page numbers at the bottom.


Enter N (no) to void the first check form and use its stub.

Sample Check.