Item maintenance & listings

Product Class Maintenance

Last Revised: 04/25/21

All Dynamo Items (Products) and Services are assigned a Product Class. A Product Class is always 3 characters and must begin with a valid Product Category. Product Classes are used for:


Typically an organization/company has between 10 and 100 Product Classes. This enables the Sales Reports to be two pages or less. The same Product Class can be used for multiple vendors. For example, if you sell hand tools, from three different vendors, and Product Category 1 is Tools, then Hand Tools could be Product Class 101.


For best results, the lowest Product Classes should be assigned your most popular items.


This application is used to maintain Product Classes.

Product Class Maintenance Primary View
Product Class The Product Class is always 3 characters and the first character muse be a valid Product Category. Although letters are permitted, Product Classes are often in the range of 100 to 999.
Description Product Class Description such as "Hand Tools", "Power Tools", "Fasteners", "Assembly Labor", etc.
Product Class - Rentals If you rent products, there is no cost directly attributed to the rental. When a product is sold, the main Product Class is used, but when rented, the Rental Product Class is used instead. Note that the Rental Product Class should be in a Product Category that is Uncosted.
Product Class - Used Sales When selling your rental equiment, the cost is different than new product sales. Dynamo will use the "Used Sales" Product Class when selling serialized rental equipment.
Attribute Set

Attribute sets are used when using the eCommerce package Magento. Although the Magento Attrributes are created online within Magento, each Dynamo Item is assigned a Magento Attribute by Product Class. When Dynamo uploads Items to Magento, the Attribute Set assigned to the Item's Product Class will be provided to Magento.


When not using Magento, the Attribute Set is left blank.

Selling Prices by Vendor & Product Class View
Pricing Start Date Indicate a start date for the pricing.
Vendor Select Vendor that sells items in this Product Class
Customer Leave blank for the price to apply to all customers, or specify the customer if the price applies only to that customer or customers that share the same Pricing Customer Number. Up to three Pricing Customer Numbers can be assigned to each Customer. A Pricing Customer Number is used to define a Price List, which apply to multiple customers.
Promo Pricing Ends Indicate an end date for the pricing or leave this field blank to extend the pricing indefinitely.
Gross Margin%

Enter the target Gross Margin Percentage which will be used to compute the selling price for Items with this Product Class and the Vendor specified, to the customer, Pricing Customer, or all Customers depending on the Customer# entry.