Vendor Returns processing

Vendor Returns Inquiry

Last Revised: 01/13/14

Use this application to look up vendor returns.

  1. Enter the return# or search for it using the F2 hotkey OR
    • search for it using F5 (select by vendor) OR
    • search for it using F6 (enter RMA#) OR
    • search for it using F7 (enter warehouse)
  2. The rest of the information will automatically fill in.
  3. View the information using the list menu that displays on the bottom of the screen:

Once a return has been selected, a list of options displays. Each of these options is marked with an asterisk '*', the letter 'A', or a blank:

Menu Options
1. Vendor Info

View the contact information of the vendor that was entered on the vendor return.

2. Shipping Info

Displays information about the warehouse, the carrier, the service, the billing method, the billing shipping to account number, and the FOB point.

3. Heading

Displays information about the reference, the date new, the date returned, the return merchandise authorization number, the internal/external notepads, the total weight, the total cube, and the return value.

4. Detail

Displays information about the transaction, such as the item descriptions and their numbers, the ship date, the order date, reference numbers, and quantities of items.

5. Timestamps

View when the purchase order was changed, who changed it, and what was changed.

6. Vendor Inquiry

Choosing this option will allow you to search for a vendor as you would in the Vendor Inquiry application.