Vendor Maintenance & Inquiry Functions

Vendor Inquiry

Last Revised: 01/30/14

The Vendor Inquiry program is used to access vendor information quickly and easily. You can retrieve invoice detail including general ledger distribution, find out when you last paid a vendor, see how much business you've done with this vendor on a monthly or yearly basis, and look up vendor addresses and phone numbers. The Notepad feature allows you to enter free-form notes.  Any of this information can be viewed on the screen or printed.

Vendor Inquiry is accessed from the VML menu, but is also available on the INQ menu.

Select the vendor by entering:

If more than one vendor meets the selection criteria entered, then the operator will be able to select the vendor from the list.




Once a vendor has been selected, the vendor#, name, address, and 2 phone numbers are displayed as well as a list of options.  Each of these options is marked with an asterisk '*', the letter 'A', 'D', 'S', or a blank:


Vendor Inquiry
Contact Names

Dynamo supports up to 255 contacts per vendor. You can store the contact name, department, location or title, up to 4 telephone numbers, email address, Salutation, and a selection code. The selection code can be used to select contacts for listings, mailings, labels, etc. A contact may also be used for a role or department such as Accounts Payable, or Technical Support.

Vendor Information

This option displays various information about the vendor.  Refer to Vendor Maintenance for the description of the various fields.

Vendor Notepad A place to type in your comments/notes/reminders regarding this vendor.
Purchase Orders

Lists all purchase orders placed with this vendor with the most recent first. The Opn column will show C when the order is closed, indicating all items ordered have been received, or the balance cancelled. The Open Value represents the value of the order not yet received.

Sts Status Column Description
N New order - not yet sent to vendor
S Sent to vendor, not yet received
P Partially received
B Partially received, balance cancelled
R Received in Full
C Cancelled prior to first receipt

Highlight a purchase order and touch Enter to launch Purchase Order Inquiry for the highlighted PO.


This option lists all returns to vendors processed on the VRP menu. Highlight a return and touch Enter to launch Vendor Returns Inquiry for the selected return.

Accounts Payable Ageing

Displays ageing of open vendor invoices. The On Hold row includes any invoices marked to Hold for Payment in Dynamo Accounts Payable. The Pending row refers to invoices that are in the process of being selected for payment.

Accounts Payable Invoices

The operator may enter a specific invoice number, or select from a list of all invoices, open before paid, most recent first.  Miscellaneous Vendors, i.e., vendors with a single character vendor number will include a column listing the Payee name.

Stat Status Column
blank normal invoice
Hold Invoice is on Hold
Pend Invoice is in the process of being selected for payment
New Invoice is in a new batch of invoices being entered

Select an invoice (by highlighting and pressing Enter) to see:  

  • Invoice detail including purchase order number, batch number and G/L posting date.

  • General ledger distribution of the invoice amount, including the account number and description.

  • Payment detail for those invoices that have one or more payments.

To print A/P Invoice option:

  • Select the types of invoices to print:

  • Open Invoices: Those invoices with an outstanding balance

  • Closed Invoices: Those invoices that have been paid

  • Both Open and Closed Invoices

  • Selecting 'Closed Invoices' or 'Both Open and Closed Invoices' will display a date prompt so that you can limit printing transaction history to more recent transactions.

Accounts Payable Payments

This option displays all payments made to the vendor, with the most recent payments first.  Highlight a payment and touch Enter to display additional information about a payment.

  • Payment Date

  • Batch Type and Number: CD=Cash Disbursements (Payment was made through A/P Check Printing), MP=Manual Payment (Payment was made through Manual Payment Entry)

  • Payment Method: blank = Normal check, T = Electronic Transfer of Funds, W = Automated Withdrawal, S = Separate Check, V = Voided check, R = Reversed Payment

  • Bnk - Bank Code (as defined in APU - Bank Code Maintenance)

  • Check# (when applicable)

  • Gross - Payment amount before Cash Discount

  • Discount - Discount Amount Taken

  • Net - Payment Amount

  • Upd - Updated status of batch containing payment

  • Clr - Cleared: Y = Payment has been cleared through Bank Reconciliation, blank = Payment has not cleared bank,  V = Payment has been voided, R = Payment was reversed

When printing Vendor Inquiry Payments, the operator can enter a date to exclude older payments from the listing.

Vendor Monthly History

The initial display shows for each year, the value of PO Receipts, value of product returned to vendor, value of invoices updated, and payment amounts.

Highlight a year and touch Enter to display month-by-month details.

Vendor's Items

If you purchase products from this vendor, this option will display a list of items where this vendor is specified as the primary vendor in Item Maintenance (IML). The items are listed in sequence by product class, report sequence number (RSN) and Item#.  The D column indicates if the item has been discontinued.

Freight Allocation Inquiry

Here users can see any past Freight Allocation entries that have been made toward previously received items.



Display Web Site If the vendor's web address has been specified using Vendor Maintenance, then this option will display the vendor's web site in a browser. The automatic launching of the browser requires use of FacetWin or PowerTerm terminal emulators.
Display Map This option will display the Google Map showing the Vendor's primary address. The automatic launching of the browser requires use of FacetWin or PowerTerm terminal emulators.
Print Envelope This option can be used to print an envelope to a laser or ink jet printer with the vendor's name and address. A vendor contact name may also be selected or entered manually.