Purchase Order Processing

Purchase Order Inquiry

Last Revised: 11/13/14

Purchase Order Inquiry is used to look up a particular purchase order. You can type in the purchase order number or search for it.

Purchase Order Inquiry Options

(K) Enter Vendor Acknowledgment Number

Type in a vendor acknowledgment number and the information will automatically fill in.
(V) Display Vendor Orders Choose a purchase order from a vendor list.
(B) Display Buyer Orders Choose a purchase order from a buyer list.
(W) Display Warehouse Orders Choose a purchase order from a warehouse list.
(A) Display All Orders All orders display. Choose one from the list.

Once a purchase order has been selected, a list of options displays. Each of these options is marked with an asterisk '*', the letter 'A', 'D', 'S', or a blank:

Purchase Order Inquiry Primary View
1. Vendor Info

Displays the contact information for the vendor.

2. Shipping Info

Displays shipping information, such as the warehouse, customer number, address, preferred carrier, billing method, etc.

3. PO Heading Displays information about the purchase order, such as the reference, the buyer, the date, etc.
4. PO Detail

Displays the item(s) involved in the purchase order as well as quantity and cost.

5. Timestamps

View when the purchase order was changed, who changed it, and what was changed.

6. Receipts

Displays receipts related to the purchase order.

7. Print Receiving Document

Print the receiving document for this purchase order.

Sample Receiving Document.

8. Vendor Inquiry Launches the Vendor Inquiry application to search for a vendor.