Dynaweb Components


Last Revised: 10/11/13

The Dynaweb Components of Dynamo Tools includes callable programs, applications, javascript routines, and configuration files.  Applications that are built using these Dynamo Tools that use a web browser for data entry and presentation are called Dynaweb applications.

Dynaweb Callable routines

These routines are called by applications to simplify the process of creating html documents.  There are routines to create web pages used to enter report selection parameters, routines to produce html tables used for reports, routines to produce html for file verified entries, routines to create radio button selections, etc.

Dynaweb Applications

There are Dynaweb applications attached to the character-based WMS Dynamo Tools menu which provide configuration options, login & password control, and an application to facilitate creating web based menus.

Dynaweb javascript routines

Web browsers can execute some program logic locally including programs written in javascript.  The Dynaweb components of Dynamo Tools include some javascript programs used to display help text, select a date from a calendar display, etc.

Dynaweb Configuration Files