
Select Printer (OBSOLETE)

Last Revised: 11/10/99

This program should no longer be used. It is provided for compatibility with earlier versions. Use CDS084 for printer selection.

Purpose: To OPEN a printer, define a spool file, or direct output to the terminal screen. The operator will choose from a list of printers authorized for use from that terminal based on information in terminal control maintenance.

Calling Format:

CALL "CDS062", ERR=NNNN, Z, X1$, X2$

NNNN line label/number to branch to if no printer is selected
Z the channel number that the printer should be opened to
X1$ Optional - if the report does not print more than 80 characters per line, then pass as "N". If this variable is not passed, or is passed anything other that "N", the report about to be printed will be assumed to require 132 columns to print.
X2$ Optional - is passed only if you want to force output to a particular printer. When X2$ is passed to CDS062, no operator entries are required.

0150 CALL "CDS062",ERR=9000,6 or 0150 CALL "CDS062",ERR=9000,6,"W"

This example prompts the operator to select a particular printer, then if spooling is desired, and then the horizontal and vertical pitch selection (if any). Since the variable X1$ was not passed, (or passed as "W" in the second example), the report is assumed to use all 132 print positions.

0150 CALL "CDS062",ERR=9000,6,"N"

Same as the example above but the report to be printed will only use 80 print positions and therefore will fit on narrow carriage printers even when using normal pitch selection (10 characters per inch).

0150 CALL "CDS062",ERR=9000,6,"N","T3"

Opens the printer attached to terminal port T3 to device 6. No operator prompting takes place.