Vendor maintenance & listings

Buyer Maintenance

Last Revised: 04/25/14

Buyer Maintenance is used to create or maintain information about people who are authorized to place purchase orders. Typically, a vendor is assigned a buyer. The buyer that a vendor is assigned to can be maintained in Vendor Maintenance. The buyer is then referenced on a purchase order to indicate who placed the order.

Buyer Maintenance Primary View
Buyer Code or Initials This code can be up to 3 characters in length and is used to identify each buyer. Typically a buyer's initials are used as his/her number. Once a buyer is entered, his/her number may not be changed.
Buyer Name 30 spaces are available to enter the buyer's name.
Telephone Number 12 spaces are available for the buyer's phone number.


The following formats are valid for U.S. and Canadian addresses: 555-4567, 222-456-7890, 800-555-1212, and 1-239-9000. In order to differentiate between local and long distance phone numbers, use the area code only when different from your own. For long distance calls within your area code, use the 1 prefix. Do not specify the area code for local calls. Any foreign telephone# number (other then Canada) may be entered up to 12 characters in length including spaces.

When entering the telephone number, eliminate the hyphens; the program will insert them for you.

Fax Number 12 spaces are available for the buyer's fax number.
Email Addresses Enter the buyer's email address.