Rental maintenance & listings

Rental Rate Maintenance

Last Revised: 01/09/14

Rental Rate Maintenance is used to create and edit the codes for specified rental items' rates.

Rental Rate Maintenance Primary View
Rental Code Enter in a code to be associated with a particular rental rate.
Description Enter in the description for the rental code.

Enter "1" to edit the description or type "D" to delete the record.

Rental Rates View
Customer# Indicate the customer or customer group that is eligible for these rental rates. If it is left blank, the rate specified here will apply to all of the customers.
Pricing Start Date Indicate a date at which the rental rate will begin for this item.
Promo Pricing Ends Indicate a date at which the rental rate will end for this item.
Rental Rate per Day Indicate the daily rate for an item on rental.
Rental Rate per Week Indicate the weekly rate for an item on rental.
Rental Rate per Month Indicate the monthly rate for an item on rental.
Rental Usage This field is the rental amount to be charged for each unit of the rental usage factor.
Usage Factor This field indicates the unit of wear or usage time. For instance, a rental usage factor of .001 could be used when the usage rate applies to each .001 inches that a blade is worn down during rental. Or a usage factor of .25 could apply to each .25 hour of use for the item.

Enter in a field number to edit it or type "D" to delete the record.