General ledger Utility functions

G/L Parameter Maintenance

Last Revised: 01/09/14

G/L Parameter Maintenance is used to define the structure of the General Ledger account number, and to indicate if Dynamo should post to the MAS90 accounting software.

G/L Parameter Maintenance
Account# Structure

Account numbers can be up to 9 digits in length (including locations if applicable) and divided into one, two, or three segments.   Enter the numbers of digits in each of these segments. If an account number does not require the 2nd or 3rd segment, enter a zero for those segments.

Typically the first segment identifies the primary account while the second segment identifies locations or branches. (The length of this second segment is determined by the number of locations.   For example, a 2-digit segment will accommodate up to 99 locations.)   A third segment could be used to identify departments within that location.

In order to produce financial reports by location, these additional segments are essential.

Once you have defined the structure of your account numbers, the account numbers and description can be set up in G/L Account Maintenance. 

Location Segment Enter 0 if your company has only one location.   For those companies with multiple branches, divisions, or warehouses, enter 1 if the first segment of the account number identifies the location, 2 for the second segment, or 3 for the third segment.
Format Once the Account Number Structure has been defined, this displays structure you have established.   Valid account numbers must conform to this structure.   For example, if the Account Number Structure is 4-3-0 and the Location Segment is the 2nd segment, the Mask will display 0000-LLL.
MAS 90 Company Code Only required if you want Dynamo G/L postings to flow in to the MAS90 accounting software.  Typically only done when you have need for custom financial statements.

This is usually a 3-letter code that indicates the General Ledger module with which you are interfacing.   If you are currently using MAS 90 and do not know your company code, access State of the Art Accounting.   In MAS 90, your company code is indicated in parenthesis on the 1st line at the top left corner of the screen.