Customer maintenance and listings

Salesman Maintenance

Last Revised: 01/09/14

Use this program to edit information of existing salesmen and create new ones.

Salesman Maintenance View
Salesperson# Enter in a salesperson number, which can contain letters and/or numbers.
Salesman Name Enter in the salesperson's name.
Address Provide the street address of the salesperson.
City, State/Country, Zip Code Enter the salesperson's zip code which will populate the city and state/country fields.
Alpha Sort Name Indicate an alpha name up to 8 characters for sorting purposes.
Telephone# Provide the salesperson's phone number.
Alternate Telephone# Provide in the salesperson's alternate phone number, if applicable. This number may also be a fax number.
Commission Code - Costed Items Indicate the commission code for this salesperson for costed items by choosing it from the list.
Commission Code - Uncosted Items Indicate the commission code for this salesperson for uncosted items by choosing it from the list.
Email Address Provide the salesperson's email address.
Login ID Specify the login ID for this salesperson by choosing it from the list.