Inquiry Functions

Transfer Order Inquiry

Last Revised: 02/08/18

This application is used to display all information about a transfer order. A transfer order is an internal company order used to move inventory from one warehouse/store to another.

Get started with viewing transfer orders by selecting an option from the following table.

(O) Enter Existing Order# Choose from the display list or type an existing order number.
(B) Scan Bar Code Scan the bar code or enter the number onto the screen.
(T) Display Transfers for Specified Shipping Warehouse Choose an order based on the shipping warehouse.
(F) Display Transfers for Specified Receiving Warehouse Choose an order based on the receiving warehouse.
(A) Display All Orders Choose an order from the complete list.


Transfer Order Inquiry Menu

Once a transfer order has been selected, a list of options displays. Each of these options is marked with an asterisk '*', the letter 'A', 'D', 'S', or a blank:

Transfer Order Inquiry Options
1. Heading View information about the transfer order's priority, weight, shipping date, preferred carrier, service, billing method, bill shipping to account#, due date, received date, and number of cartons.
2. Detail View the item(s) involved in the transfer order along with full descriptions and costs.
3. Print/Fax/Email

Choose to print, fax, or email the transfer order packing list or the transfer order receiving document.


Sample documents:

4. Timestamps

View when changes were made to the transfer order, what was changed, and who made any changes.

5. Shipment Tracking

Track the shipment of the item. A link to the UPS website will open in your browser to allow you to view the status of the order.