purchase order processing

Purchase Order Receipts Listing

Last Revised: 01/07/14

This program displays receipts from purchase orders from one operator-specified date to an ending date. Purchase order receipts are created in the Purchase Order Receiving program.


The receipts listing contains the receipt number, the date received, the warehouse, the receiving method, the vendor's packing slip number (where applicable), the purchase orders, the vendor number, the received value, the discount/freight/rebate, the total line items, the line items received (including which ones in full, which ones in part, which ones over the amount), the total quantity received, and whether the order is open or closed. It also includes a listing of all items ordered, including their number, their description, how many were ordered, how many were received, the balance, and the location.


The operator must specify the vendor(s), the warehouse(s), open and/or closed orders, and the format (summary or detail) of the listing. If you want to choose a particular vendor, you must first type N in that field. Then, you must select a vendor by typing in a keyword or selecting it from the F2 search list.

Sample Purchase Order Receipts Listing.