Zip Code Database


Last Revised: 10/11/13

Dynamo Tools includes a Zip Code database that is updated monthly. The Database contains all valid US 5-digit zip codes and references the cities and state for each zip. The primary application is during address entry to enter the zip code and select the desired City and State from a list presented to the operator. Some zip codes only have a single City.

There is also a US County data file which is useful when computing State Sales Tax, as many states have one tax rate per county.

When the Dynamo-ZIP package is installed on linux servers using yum, the server will automatically update all Zip Code data files each month.

You can view the release date of this package using the "V" menu option.

There are also related Dynamo Tools that can verify and correct US and Canadian addresses. Dynamo Tool CDS358 can verify the street number is valid for the street name, revise the spelling of the street suffix, i.e., St, Rd, Ave, etc., verify or change any directional indicator such as N, S, E, SW, etc., and assign the Zip+4 for US addresses.

Zip Code Database Data Files
DYSW01 City/State/Zip Codes
DYSW02 County Codes & Names
DYSW03 State/Country Codes (2 character)
DYSW05 US FIPS Codes & Names